Prior Authorizations are Live on Availity Next Monday, September 18, 2023
You will soon be able to submit prior authorizations through Availity again. This will be the best and most efficient way to submit a prior authorization.
We have video tips in the next section below to help you.
- Until Monday, we kindly request you to use alternative channels to submit prior authorizations.
- Option 1: Fax – Please use the authorization request form found on our website at:
Fax it to 307-432-2917. - Option 2: Call – For any inpatient or concurrent reviews, you can also submit prior authorizations through our Inpatient Authorization Notification Line at 1-800-251-1814. Information regarding the information that is needed on the notification line can be found at
- Option 1: Fax – Please use the authorization request form found on our website at:
- Providers should still follow the same guidance for special circumstances.
Prior Authorization Video Tips Available
Our Prior Authorization videos will help you make the most of your submissions. These high-level videos give an overview of the submission process and explain the logic for selecting the appropriate service types.
Please click the link below to view the page with the videos.
Workflow and Updated Prior Authorization Guide Available
Our Prior Authorization guide has been updated to reflect the changes with the enhanced Predictal workflow.
Please download the guide to have the most recent information.
Prior Authorization Service Type Infographic Available
We have created an infographic to help you understand how service types are now implemented.
Use this printable PDF as a reference sheet when submitting prior authorizations to better understand the workflows.