Medical Policy Updates

View any medical policy or medical necessity criteria changes that will be implemented in the next 60 days or more.

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Medical Policy Updates
Use the Policy Number, Policy Title, or CPT Codes to find and view the full medical policy.
Policy # Policy Title Change Type Summary of Changes Effective Date Provider Notification Date
12.01.068 Gene Therapies for Sickle Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy – Elevidys NEW Implementation of NEW guidelines. 3/31/25 2/7/25
5.01.048 Gene Therapies for Sickle Cell Disease - Casgevy, Lyfgenia NEW Implementation of NEW guidelines. 3/31/25 2/7/25
12.01.018 Infusible Biologic Immunomodulators - Actemra, Avsola, Cimzia, Cosentyx, Entyvio, Ilumya, Inflectra, Omvoh, Orencia, Remicade, Infliximab, Renflexis, Simponi Aria, Skyrizi, Stelara, Taltz, Tofidence, Tremfya, Tyenne UPDATE Clinical evidence to support the policy position reviewed and references added. The following medications were removed: Amjevita® (adalimumabatto),  Cyltezo®/Adal imumabadbm, Enbrel® (etanercept), Hadlima™ (adalimumabbwwd), Hulio®, Adalimumabfkjp, Humira® (adalimumab), Hyrimoz®/Ad alimumabadaz, Idacio® (adalimumabaacf), Kevzara® (sarilumab), Kineret® (anakinra), Litfulo™ (ritlecitinib), Olumiant® (baricitinib),Rinvoq™ (upadacitinib extended release), Siliq™ (brodalumab), Sotyktu™ (deucravacitin ib), Xeljanz® (tofacitinib), Xeljanz XR® (tofacitinib extended release) Yuflyma® (adalimumabaaty), Yusimry™ (adalimumabaqvh)The following medications were added with specific criteria for approval updated: Avsola, Ilumya, Inflectra, Omvoh, Remicade, Renflexis, Tofidence, Tremfya, Tyenne. 3/24/25 2/7/25
15.01.004 Basivertebral Nerve Ablation NEW Implementation of NEW guidelines. 3/24/25 2/7/25
7.03.011 Total Artificial Hearts and Implantable Ventricular Assist Devices UPDATE Clinical evidence to support the policy position reviewed and references added.  There is no change to the policy position statement listed. 3/24/25 2/7/25
7.03.013 Composite Tissue Allotransplantation of the Hand and Face UPDATE Clinical evidence to support the policy position reviewed and references added.  There is no change to the policy position statement listed. 3/24/25 2/7/25
8.01.068 Omidubicel as Adjunct Treatment for Hematologic Malignancies UPDATE Clinical evidence to support the policy position reviewed and references added.  Policy statements changed to: Omidubicel is considered medically necessary in individuals 12 years or older with hematologic malignancies planning myeloablative allogenic umbilical cord transplantation to reduce the time to neutrophil recovery and the incidence of infection. Investigational statement added for all other uses. 3/24/25 2/7/25
4.02.005 Preimplantation Genetic Testing NEW Implementation of NEW guidelines. 3/24/25 2/7/25
2.04.141 Circulating Tumor DNA and Circulating Tumor Cells for Cancer Management (Liquid Biopsy) NEW Implementation of NEW guidelines. 3/24/25 2/7/25
2.04.149 Molecular Testing for Germline Variants Associated with Ovarian Cancer (BRIP1, RAD51C, RAD51D, NBN) NEW Implementation of NEW guidelines. 3/24/25 2/7/25
2.04.154 Germline Genetic Testing for Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Cancer (CDH1, CTNNA1) NEW Implementation of NEW guidelines. 3/24/25 2/7/25
4.01.018 Ovarian and Internal Iliac Vein Endovascular Occlusion as a Treatment of Pelvic Congestion Syndrome NEW Implementation of NEW guidelines. 3/24/25 2/7/25
8.01.008 Intraoperative Radiotherapy DELETE Archiving the criteria. 3/24/25 2/7/25
12.01.016 Immune Globulins UPDATE Biosimilar products of Alyglo, Asceniv, Cutaquig, Panzyga and Xembify were added to the policy.

Effective 2/18/2025, some members may be required to utilize preferred products. The preferred products for Immune Globulins IV are Octagam, Gamunex-C/Gammaked, Gammagard, and Privigen.
2/18/25 12/20/24
7.01.164 Hydrogel Spacer use During Radiotherapy for Prostate Cancer UPDATE Clinical evidence to support the policy position was updated, new products added to Regulatory Status and references added.   There is no change to the policy position statement listed. 2/18/25 12/20/24
8.01.006 Oncologic Applications of Photodynamic Therapy, Including Barrett Esophagus UPDATE Clinical evidence to support the policy position was reviewed. There is no change to the policy position statement listed. 2/18/25 12/20/24
8.01.013 Accelerated Breast Irradiation and Brachytherapy Boost After Breast-Conserving Surgery for Early-Stage Breast Cancer UPDATE Clinical evidence to support the policy position was updated and references added.   There is no change to the policy position statement listed. 2/18/25 12/20/24
8.01.014 Brachytherapy for Clinically Localized Prostate Cancer Using Permanently Implanted Seeds UPDATE Clinical evidence to support the policy position reviewed and references added.  There is no change to the policy position statement listed. 2/18/25 12/20/24
12.01.051 Injectable and Implantable Testosterone - Aveed, Delatestryl, Depo-Testosterone DELETE Archiving this criteria - see policy 5.01.023 2/18/25 12/20/24
12.01.031 Bevacizumab UPDATE Biosimilar products of Alymsys, Vegzelma, and Zirabev were added to the policy.

Effective 2/1/2025, some members may be required to utilize preferred products. The preferred products for Bevacuzmab are Zirabev or Mvasi.
2/1/25 12/1/24
12.01.052 Viscosupplements Medical Drug Criteria UPDATE Biosimilar products of Triluron, TriVisc, Sodium Hyaluronate were added to the policy.

Effective 2/1/2025, some members may be required to utilize preferred products. The preferred products for Viscosupplements are Gel-one or Durolane.
2/1/25 12/1/24
12.01.017 Health Care Provider Administered (HCPA) Biologic Immunomodulator UPDATE Added preferred products language.
Effective 2/1/2025, some members may be required to utilize preferred products. The preferred products for biologic immunomodulators are Inflectra or Avsola.
2/1/25 12/1/24
12.01.006 Colony Stimulating Factors - Neupogen, Neulasta, Leukine, Granix, Zarxio UPDATE Biosimilar products of Fylnetra, Rolvedon, Stimufend were added to the policy.

Effective 2/1/2025, some members may be required to utilize preferred products. The preferred products for colony stimulating factors are Neulasta or Udenica.
2/1/25 12/1/24
12.01.016 Immune Globulins UPDATE Biosimilar products of Alyglo, Asceniv, Cutaquig, Panzyga and Xembify were added to the policy.

Effective 2/1/2025, some members may be required to utilize preferred products. The preferred products for Immune Globulins IV are Octagam, Gamunex-C/Gammaked, Gammagard, and Privigen.
2/1/25 12/1/24
2.04.150 Serologic Genetic and Molecular Screening for Colorectal Cancer NEW Implementation of NEW guidelines. 1/27/25 11/27/24
1.01.029 Tumor Treating Fields Therapy UPDATE Clinical evidence to support the policy position reviewed. There are minor editorial changes to the policy position statement listed. 1/27/25 11/27/24
1.01.030 Artificial Pancreas Device Systems UPDATE Clinical evidence to support the policy position reviewed. There is no change to the policy position statement listed. 1/27/25 11/27/24
2.01.073 Actigraphy UPDATE Clinical evidence to support the policy position reviewed. There is no change to the policy position statement listed. 1/27/25 11/27/24
2.02.030 Transcatheter Mitral Valve Repair or Replacement UPDATE Policy titled changed to include ""replacement"", new indication for transseptal valve-in-valve replacement and references added. Policy statement added: Transcatheter mitral valve-in-valve replacement (TMViVR) with a transcatheter heart valve system approved for use for repair of a degenerated bioprosthetic valve (valve-in-valve) is considered medically necessary for individuals when all of the following conditions are present:
Failure (stenosed, insufficient, or combined) of a surgical bioprosthetic mitral valve; AND New York Heart Association heart failure class II, III, or IV symptoms; AND Individual is not an operable candidate for open surgery, as documented by at least 2 cardiovascular specialists (including a cardiac surgeon); OR individual is an operable candidate but is considered at increased surgical risk for open surgery, as documented by at least 2 cardiac specialists (including a cardiac surgeon); OR individual is considered at increased surgical risk for open surgery (eg, repeat sternotomy) due to a history of congenital vascular anomalies AND/OR has a complex intrathoracic surgical history, as documented by at least 2 cardiovascular specialists (including a cardiac surgeon).
1/27/25 11/27/24
2.03.007 Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy for Select Intra-Abdominal and Pelvic Malignancies UPDATE Clinical evidence to support the policy position was updated and references added.   There is no change to the policy position statement listed. 1/27/25 11/27/24
2.04.053 Somatic Biomarker Testing (Including Liquid Biopsy) for Targeted Treatment in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer (KRAS, NRAS, BRAF, and HER2) UPDATE Clinical evidence to support the policy position reviewed, new indications and medically necessary policy position statement for NTRK gene fusion testing to select targeted treatment added. 1/27/25 11/27/24
2.04.101 Genetic Testing for Li-Fraumeni Syndrome UPDATE Clinical evidence to support the policy position reviewed. There is no change to the policy position statement listed. 1/27/25 11/27/24
2.04.110 Genetic Testing for Diagnosis and Management of Mental Health Conditions UPDATE Clinical evidence to support the policy position was updated and references added.   There is no change to the policy position statement listed. 1/27/25 11/27/24
2.04.121 Miscellaneous Genetic and Molecular Diagnostic Tests UPDATE Clinical evidence to support the policy position reviewed. There is no change to the policy position statement listed. 1/27/25 11/27/24
2.04.080 Genetic Testing for Hereditary Hemochromatosis UPDATE Minimal clinical evidence reviewed.  There is no change to the policy position statement listed. 1/27/25 11/27/24
02.02.016 Ultrasonographic Measurement of Carotid Intimal-Medial Thickness as an Assessment of Subclinical Atherosclerosis DELETE Archiving the criteria. 12/9/24 10/7/24
07.01.128 Bronchial Valves UPDATE Clinical evidence to support the policy position was updated, references added and outdated clinical input was removed.  There is no change to the policy position statement listed. 12/9/24 10/7/24
07.01.071 Lung Volume Reduction Surgery for Severe Emphysema UPDATE Clinical evidence to support the policy position reviewed. There is no change to the policy position statement listed. 12/9/24 10/7/24
08.01.046 Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy of the Breast and Lung DELETE Archiving the criteria. 12/9/24 10/7/24
08.01.047 Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy of the Prostate DELETE Archiving the criteria. 12/9/24 10/7/24
08.01.048 Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy: Cancer of the Head and Neck or Thyroid DELETE Archiving the criteria. 12/9/24 10/7/24
08.01.049 Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy of the Abdomen and Pelvis DELETE Archiving the criteria. 12/9/24 10/7/24
08.01.059 Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy of the Central Nervous System DELETE Archiving the criteria. 12/9/24 10/7/24
02.01.073 Actigraphy UPDATE Clinical evidence to support the policy position was updated. There is no change to the policy position statement listed. 12/9/24 10/7/24
02.04.080 Genetic Testing for Hereditary Hemochromatosis UPDATE Clinical evidence to support the policy position was updated and references added. There is no change to the policy position statement listed. 12/9/24 10/7/24
07.01.147 Minimally Invasive Ablation Procedures for Morton and Other Peripheral Neuromas UPDATE Title changed to "Minimally Invasive Ablation Procedures for Morton and Other Peripheral Neuromas".  Clinical evidence to support the policy position was updated and references added. Codes 64632, 0441T added to authorization requirement.  Intralesional alcohol ablation added to investigational policy statement. 12/9/24 10/7/24
08.01.019 Treatment of Hyperhidrosis UPDATE Clinical evidence to support the policy position was updated and references were added. There is no change to the policy position statement listed. 12/9/24 10/7/24
07.01.047 Bariatric Surgery UPDATE Clerical error omited codes 43771-43773 - these codes were added to the policy. 12/9/24 10/7/24
01.01.023 Transtympanic Micropressure Applications as a Treatment of Meniere's Disease DELETE Archiving the criteria. 12/9/24 10/7/24
02.02.018 Progenitor Cell Therapy for the Treatment of Damaged Myocardium Due to Ischemia DELETE Archiving the criteria. 12/9/24 10/7/24
02.02.006 Enhanced External Counterpulsation DELETE Archiving the criteria. 12/9/24 10/7/24
02.04.037 Detection of Circulating Tumor Cells in the Management of Patients With Cancer DELETE Archiving the criteria. 12/9/24 10/7/24
02.04.081 Genetic Testing for Rett Syndrome DELETE Archiving the criteria. 12/9/24 10/7/24
02.04.067 KIF6 Genotyping for Predicting Cardiovascular Risk and/or Effectiveness of Statin Therapy DELETE Archiving the criteria. 12/9/24 10/7/24
02.04.076 Quantitative Assay for Measurement of HER2 Total Protein Expression and HER2 Dimers DELETE Archiving the criteria. 12/9/24 10/7/24
02.04.059 Genetic Testing for Developmental Delay/Intellectual Disability, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and Congenital Anomalies UPDATE Clinical evidence to support the policy position was updated, code 0243U was added and code 0318U was removed. There is no change to the policy position statement listed. 12/9/24 10/7/24
02.01.001 Diagnosis and Management of Idiopathic Environmental Intolerance (ie, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities) DELETE Archiving the criteria. 12/9/24 10/7/24
07.01.018 Automated Percutaneous and Percutaneous Endoscopic Discectomy NEW Implementation of NEW guidelines. 12/9/24 10/7/24
08.01.022 Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation for Genetic Diseases and Acquired Anemias DELETE Archiving the criteria. 12/9/24 10/7/24
11.01.147 Hematopoetic Stem Cell Transplantation for Breast Cancer DELETE Archiving the criteria. 12/9/24 10/7/24
11.01.102 Laminectomy DELETE Archiving the criteria and creating new policy guidelines under policy 07.01.145. 12/9/24 10/7/24
07.01.145 Laminectomy NEW Implementation of NEW guidelines. 12/9/24 10/7/24
11.01.117 Hugh Resolution Anoscopy DELETE Archiving the criteria. 12/9/24 10/7/24
11.01.084 Percutaneous Discectomy DELETE Archiving the criteria. 12/9/24 10/7/24
02.02.018 Progenitor Cell Therapy for the Treatment of Damaged Myocardium Due to Ischemia DELETE Archiving the criteria. 12/9/24 10/7/24
12.01.060 Amtagvi® (lifileucel) (Intravenous) NEW Implementation of NEW guidelines. 12/9/24 10/7/24
06.01.050 Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Monitor the Integrity of Silicone Gel-Filled Breast Implants DELETE Archiving the criteria. 12/9/24 10/7/24
02.04.094 Genetic Testing for Lactase Insufficiency DELETE Archiving the criteria. 12/9/24 10/7/24
06.01.052 Positron Emission Mammography DELETE Archiving the criteria. 12/9/24 10/7/24
02.04.130 Molecular Testing for Chronic Heart Failure and Heart Transplant DELETE Archiving the criteria. 12/9/24 10/7/24
02.01.068 Laboratory Tests Post Transplant and for Heart Failure UPDATE Clinical evidence to support the policy position was updated and code 0085T was removed. New investigational policy statements regarding dd-cfDNA testing in lung and heart transplantation were added. Investigational policy statement for GEP testing (ie, AlloMap) in heart transplantation was updated to include use alone or in combination with dd-cfDNA testing (ie, HeartCare). 12/9/24 10/7/24
07.01.041 Implantable Infusion Pump for Pain and Spasticity DELETE Archiving the criteria. 12/9/24 10/7/24
06.01.037 Radioimmunoscintigraphy (Monoclonal Antibody Imaging) With Indium 111 Capromab Pendetide for Prostate Cancer DELETE Archiving the criteria. 12/9/24 10/7/24
01.01.024 Interferential Current Stimulation UPDATE Clinical evidence to support the policy position was updated. There is no change to the policy position statement listed. 12/9/24 10/7/24
02.01.039 Quantitative Sensory Testing UPDATE Clinical evidence to support the policy position was updated. There is no change to the policy position statement listed. 12/9/24 10/7/24
02.01.056 Low Level Laser Therapy UPDATE Clinical evidence to support the policy position was updated and code 97037 was added. There is no change to the policy position statement listed. 12/9/24 10/7/24
02.01.061 Measurement of Exhaled Nitric Oxide and Exhaled Breath Condensate in the Diagnosis and Management of Respiratory Disorders UPDATE Clinical evidence to support the policy position was updated & references added. There is no change to the policy position statement listed. 12/9/24 10/7/24
02.01.096 Autonomic Nervous System Testing UPDATE Clinical evidence to support the policy position was updates & references added. There is no change to the policy position statement listed. 12/9/24 10/7/24
05.01.043 Therapeutic Radiopharmaceuticals for Prostate Cancer NEW Implementation of NEW guidelines. 12/9/24 10/7/24
01.01.023 Transtympanic Micropressure Applications as a Treatment of Meniere's Disease DELETE Archiving the criteria. 12/9/24 10/7/24
02.01.058 Transanal Radiofrequency Treatment of Fecal Incontinence DELETE Archiving the criteria. 12/9/24 10/7/24
02.02.006 Enhanced External Counterpulsation DELETE Archiving the criteria. 12/9/24 10/7/24
02.04.113 Analysis of MGMT Promoter Methylation in Malignant Gliomas DELETE Archiving the criteria. 12/9/24 10/7/24
07.01.079 Whole Gland Cryoablation of Prostate Cancer DELETE Archiving the criteria. 12/9/24 10/7/24
07.01.081 Nerve Graft with Radical Prostatectomy DELETE Archiving the criteria. 12/9/24 10/7/24
07.01.124 Treatment of Varicose Veins/Venous Insufficiency UPDATE Clinical evidence to support the policy position was updates & references added. Minor editorial refinements to policy statement; intent unchanged. 12/9/24 10/7/24
07.01.164 Hydrogel Spacer use During Radiotherapy for Prostate Cancer NEW Implementation of NEW guidelines. 12/9/24 10/7/24
11.01.153 Treatment of Prostate DELETE Archiving the criteria. 12/9/24 10/7/24
06.01.023 Diagnosis and Treatment of Sacroiliac Joint Pain UPDATE Clinical evidence to support the policy position was updated, references added, Codes 0775T and 0809T were deleted effective 12/31/2023 and code 27278 was added effective 01/01/2024. Minor editorial refinements to policy statement; intent unchanged. 12/9/24 10/7/24
01.01.002 Automated Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring for Diagnosis of Hypertension in Patients with Elevated Office Blood Pressure DELETE Archiving the criteria. 12/9/24 10/7/24
02.02.024 Cardiac Hemodynamic Monitoring for the Management of Heart Failure in the Outpatient Setting UPDATE Clinical evidence to support the policy position was updated, references added and code 81418 added. There is no change to the policy position statement listed. 12/9/24 10/7/24
02.04.010 Identification of Microorganisms Using Nucleic Acid Probes UPDATE Clinical evidence to support the policy position was updated, references added and codes 87154, 0301U, 0302U, 87468, 87469, 87484, 0097U, 0151U were removed.  Mycoplasma genitalium added to list of medically necessary NAATs. 12/9/24 10/7/24
02.04.038 Cytochrome P450 Genotype-Guided Treatment Strategy UPDATE Clinical evidence to support the policy position was updated. There is no change to the policy position statement listed. 12/9/24 10/7/24
02.04.048 Genotype-Guided Warfarin Dosing UPDATE Clinical evidence to support the policy position was updated. Minor editorial refinements to policy statement; intent unchanged. 12/9/24 10/7/24
02.04.104 Genetic Testing for α-Thalassemia UPDATE Clinical evidence to support the policy position was updated and references added. Corrected third policy statement, intent unchanged: Preconception (carrier) testing for α-thalassemia in prospective parents may be considered medically necessary when both parents have evidence of possible α-thalassemia (including α-thalassemia minor, hemoglobin H disease [α-thalassemia intermedia], or α-thalassemia minima [silent carrier] based on biochemical testing 12/9/24 10/7/24
02.04.119 Multibiomarker Disease Activity Blood Test for Rheumatoid Arthritis UPDATE Clinical evidence to support the policy position was updated and code 83529 was added. There is no change to the policy position statement listed. 12/9/24 10/7/24
02.04.123 Serum Biomarker Panel Testing for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Other Connective Tissue Diseases UPDATE Clinical evidence to support the policy position was updated, references added and code 0312U was added. There is no change to the policy position statement listed. 12/9/24 10/7/24
02.04.140 Genetic Testing for a-Thalassemia UPDATE Clinical evidence to support the policy position was updates. Minor editorial refinements to policy statement; intent unchanged. 12/9/24 10/7/24
07.01.122 Electromagnetic Navigational Bronchoscopy UPDATE Clinical evidence to support the policy position was updated and codes C7509, C7510, C7511 were added. There is no change to the policy position statement listed. 12/9/24 10/7/24
07.01.018 Automated Percutaneous and Percutaneous Endoscopic Discectomy UPDATE Clinical evidence to support the policy position was updated and references added. Minor editorial refinements to policy statement; intent unchanged. 12/9/24 10/7/24
07.01.131 Transcatheter Pulmonary Valve Implantation UPDATE Clinical evidence to support the policy position was updated. Minor editorial refinements to policy statement; intent unchanged. 12/9/24 10/7/24
12.01.067 Leqembi (Lecanemab) NEW Implementation of NEW guidelines. 11/7/24 1/6/25
12.01.060 Amtagvi (lifileucel)(Intravenous) NEW Implementation of New guidelines regarding new to market pharmaceutical Amtagvi. 10/8/24 8/9/24
15.01.001 Wearable Cardioverter Defibrillators NEW Implementation of NEW guidelines. 9/30/24 7/30/24
02.01.058 Transanal Radiofrequency Treatment of Fecal Incontinence DELETE Archiving the criteria. 9/30/24 7/30/24
11.01.014 Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy DELETE Archiving the criteria. 9/30/24 7/30/24
11.01.017 Long QT Syndrome Testing DELETE Archiving the criteria. 9/30/24 7/30/24
11.01.044 Implantable Hormone Replacement Pellets DELETE Archiving the criteria. 9/30/24 7/30/24
11.01.065 Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) with Porifmer Sodium DELETE Archiving the criteria. 9/30/24 7/30/24
11.01.082 Implantable Automatic Cardioverter-Defibrillator DELETE Archiving the criteria. 9/30/24 7/30/24
11.01.088 Transcutaneous Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) DELETE Archiving the criteria. 9/30/24 7/30/24
11.01.099 Islet Cell Transplantation DELETE Archiving the criteria. 9/30/24 7/30/24
11.01.102 Laminectomy DELETE Archiving the criteria. 9/30/24 7/30/24
11.01.121 Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) DELETE Archiving the criteria. 9/30/24 7/30/24
8.03.010 Cognitive Rehabilitation NEW Cognitive Rehabilitation will now be managed through prior authorization. 9/22/24 7/22/24
06.01.055 Selected Positron Emission Tomography Technologies for Evaluation of Alzheimer Disease UPDATE Policy Title Changed; Clinical criteria updated to discuss requirements to ensure appropriate use for Alzheimer's Disease as well as FDG-PET criteria. 9/22/24 7/22/24
11.01.117 High Resolution Anoscopy DELETE No authorization will be required. 9/22/24 7/22/24
6.01.026 Oncologic Applications of Positron Emission Tomography Scanning (Geniourinary) UPDATE Policy Title Changed; Clinical criteria updated for geniourinary oncolgic conditions and removal of all other oncologic indications. Other indications are listed in other policies. 9/22/24 7/22/24
15.01.002 Applied Behavioral Analysis NEW Implementation of public facing guidelines for Applied Behavioral Analysis. BCBSWY has historically held prior authorization requirements for these services. 9/22/24 7/22/24
06.01.067 Oncologic Applications of Positron Emission Tomography Scanning (Brain, Melanoma, Unknown Primary) NEW Implementation of NEW guidelines. 9/22/24 7/22/24
06.01.066 Oncologic Applications of Positron Emission Tomography Scanning (Thyroid, Neuroendocrine, Head and Neck) NEW Implementation of NEW guidelines. 9/22/24 7/22/24
06.01.064 Oncologic Applications of Positron Emission Tomography Scanning (Hematologic) NEW Implementation of NEW guidelines. 9/22/24 7/22/24
06.01.063 Oncologic Applications of Positron Emission Tomography Scanning (Bone and Sarcoma) NEW Implementation of NEW guidelines. 9/22/24 7/22/24
06.01.062 Oncologic Applications of Positron Emission Tomography Scanning (Breast and Gynecologic) NEW Implementation of NEW guidelines. 9/22/24 7/22/24
06.01.061 Oncologic Applications of Positron Emission Tomography Scanning (Gastrointestinal and Pancreatic) NEW Implementation of NEW guidelines. 9/22/24 7/22/24
06.01.051 Interim Positron Emission Tomography Scanning in Oncology to Detect Early Response During Treatment NEW Implementation of NEW guidelines. 9/22/24 7/22/24
07.01.044 Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators NEW Implementation of NEW guidelines. 9/22/24 7/22/24
06.01.065 Oncologic Applications of Positron Emission Tomography Scanning (Lung) NEW Implementation of NEW guidelines. 9/22/24 7/22/24
06.01.006 Miscellaneous (Noncardiac, Nononcologic) Applications of Fluorine 18 Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography NEW Implementation of NEW guidelines. 9/22/24 7/22/24
15.01.001 Wearable Cardioverter Defibrillators NEW Implementation of NEW guidelines. 9/22/24 7/22/24
02.02.015 Wearable Cardioverter Defibrillators DELETE Archiving the criteria and replacing with NEW policy 15.01.001 9/22/24 7/22/24
06.01.020 Cardiac Applications of Positron Emission Tomography Scanning NEW Implementation of NEW guidelines. 9/22/24 7/22/24
12.01.020 Briumvi, Lemtrada, Ocrevus, Tysabri NEW Implementation of public facing guidelines for Briumvi, Lemtrada, Ocrevus, and Tysabri. BCBSWY has historically held prior authorization requirements for these medications but the criteria was furnished by our Pharmacy Benefit Manager and was cumbersome for providers to access. This is a posting of the criteria set. Please note that authorizations are subject to a one year authorization period while units approved will be subject to standard dosing and quantity level limits. 9/15/24 7/15/24
12.01.059 Verkazia NEW Implementation of NEW guidelines regarding the use of Verkazia. This has historically held prior authorization requirements but was included with other pharmaceuticals for criteria [Ophthalmic Immunomodulators]. This new criteria allows for medication specific guidelines to ensure clear presentation of requirements. 9/15/24 7/15/24
12.01.057 Filsuvez NEW Implementation of NEW guidelines regarding the use of Verkazia. This is a new to market product. 9/15/24 7/15/24
12.01.058 Vyepti NEW Implementation of public facing guidelines for Vyepti. BCBSWY has historically held prior authorization requirements for this medication but the criteria was furnished by our Pharmacy Benefit Manager and was cumbersome for providers to access. This is a posting of the criteria set. 9/15/24 7/15/24

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