Wellness Programs

Encourage a culture of health in your organization

If your organization is like most, unhealthy employees outnumber those who are healthy. That takes its toll in terms of absenteeism and lost productivity.

We make it easier for your employees to live healthier lifestyles with:

Health Assessment and Fun Wellness Tools

Your employees can get a picture of their health and find tips and fun tools to make choices that are good for them.

A simple online questionnaire will ask about nutrition, weight management, physical activity, stress, and other health related topics. Based on the answers, each employee will be given tailored tips to help make healthy improvements.

They’ll also find fun wellness tools like a symptom checker, healthy recipes, wellness videos and slideshows, healthy calculators, and much more.

Encourage your employees to check it out by logging into their account at YourWyoBlue.com and getting started with the Health Assessment.

Preventative Care

BCBSWY benefits for wellness and preventive services.

Ready to Make Blue Work for You?

Our staff will help you build a benefit plan that meets your requirements and fits within your budget.

Call us: 1-800-851-2227

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