Transition Faxes to Availity, Electronic Claim Corrections, Welcome North Platte Valley Medical Center

Transition Faxes to Availity

Starting in July of 2023, we will no longer accept faxes from Providers. Please use the Availity attachments tool to upload all documents, such as medical records, appeals, adjustments, invoices and general medical documentation. For more information on the Availity attachment tool, please click the button below.

How to Use the Availity Tool Guide Here

Electronic Claim Corrections

As of July 14, BCBSWY now accepts electronically corrected claims. Please use the appropriate frequency code or type of bill to correct your electronic claim. For more information, please download the instructions below.

View Electronic Claims Adjustment Instructions Here

Welcome North Platte Valley Medical Center

BCBSWY would like to welcome the North Platte Valley Medical Center to Saratoga where they began seeing patients as of May 30, 2023. We wish you success in your community!

Directory Provider Directory Tool Reminder

Reminder: You can now find the guide under the Provider Resources section on the right rail of the website.

Providers can use the Directory Validation tool on the Availity Portal to find NPI and tax ID combinations.

The No Surprises Act (NSA) requires you confirm this information with us every 90 days.

Click Here to Visit Now


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