COVID-19 Update

In response to the potential spread of COVID-19 in Wyoming, BCBSWY has taken the following steps:

  • BCBSWY will cover diagnostic COVID 19 testing, consistent with CDC guidelines and State of Wyoming guidelines
  • Member cost-share will be waived for those who are recommended for testing.
  • Prior Authorization will be waived for COVID-19 diagnostic tests, consistent with CDC guidelines and State of Wyoming testing guidelines
  • BCBSWY will cover medically necessary covered services for treatment of those diagnosed with COVID-19 with no prior authorization required.
  • BCBSWY will waive early medication refill limits on 30-day maintenance prescriptions, and members are encouraged to use the 90-day mail refill option
  • BCBSWY has a plan in place to make sure our business operates normally, and members get the care they need.


For more information see: CDC COVID-19 or WY Department of Health.


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