CMS Adds Place of Service Code
Effective 1/1/2024, a new Place of Service (POS) 27 code will be available for claims billing. The new POS code describes a non-permanent location on the street or found environment, not described by any other POS code, where health professionals provide preventive, screening, diagnostic, and/or treatment services to unsheltered unhoused individuals.
Upon billing of this POS, records may be required for validation of correct billing.
Tip: If services are rendered in a homeless shelter, please use POS 04.
Faxed Authorization Requests Limited
Effective 12/15/2023, BCBSWY will no longer accept voicemail, mail, or faxed submissions for authorization requests except for the following items:
- Any FEP authorization not accepted in Availity.
- Any authorization triggering an error in Availity that has been reported to Provider Relations by calling 1-888-666-5188.
- Any authorization for transplant services.
- Any authorization for our pharmacy team.
All authorizations must be submitted through Availity.
Faxed Authorization Requests Limited

Reminder: You can now find the guide under the Provider Resources section on the right rail of the website.
Providers can use the Directory Validation tool on the Availity Portal to find NPI and tax ID combinations.
The No Surprises Act (NSA) requires you to confirm this information with us every 90 days.