Provider Updates

Provider News Tag: professional providers

Coming Soon! Inpatient Prior Authorizations & Concurrent Review Using Availity
Reminder, beginning April 1st, 2021 all hospital inpatient prior authorizations and concurrent reviews for BCBSWY members should be submitted through the Availity portal. To…
Childhood Immunizations Coverage
BCBSWY recognizes the importance of childhood immunizations. We are aware of the change in funding sources through the WyVIP program at the Wyoming Department…
BCBS WY Provider Updates
Top Billing Issues and Errors and How to Avoid them for Professional Providers
Claims processing experts identified the common adjudication errors that cause claims to be suspended or denied. To ensure timely and accurate processing of claims…
BCBS WY Provider Updates
Sign Up for Electronic Remittances
Institutional and professional remittances are now available using Availity. BCBSWY is no longer mailing remittances for these type of claims. To get started register…
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Medicare - Event Registration
Medicare - Online Event Registration Form
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