Childhood Immunizations Coverage

BCBSWY recognizes the importance of childhood immunizations. We are aware of the change in funding sources through the WyVIP program at the Wyoming Department of Health. BCBSWY covers the same set of childhood vaccines and we are prepared to process these claims.

Provider Directory

Accurate provider information helps BCBSWY maintain up-to-date provider directories so our members can find providers quickly and have timely access to care.
If your address, website, phone number or status on accepting new patients changes, please let us know at

2018 Claims Filing – REMINDER

Please remember to submit any claims or claim adjustments with a DOS prior to 1/1/19 to BCBSWY prior to 12/31/2020. These claims can no longer be submitted electronically. However, we will accept these claims through the end of the 2020 if submitted on paper.

BCBSWY Mailing Address:

PO Box 2266, Cheyenne, WY 82003-2266

To unsubscribe from these types of emails, please reply to this email address ( with a message letting us know that you’d like to be removed from our email list.

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wyoming is an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association


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