Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wyoming will continue waivers for telemedicine and COVID-19 treatment

CHEYENNE, WYO – Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wyoming announced today that its waiver of out-of-pocket costs for telemedicine services and necessary treatment for COVID-19 is being extended through August 31, 2020.

Nationally, data shows that individuals may have delayed regular, necessary and routine health care due to their concern about COVID-19. The use of telemedicine assures that normal health care needs or monitoring of chronic disease can continue safely, through telemedicine services.

“We are continually monitoring the situation across Wyoming,” said President and CEO Diane Gore. “The status of COVID-19 in our state remains somewhat fluid, and we want our members to know they can continue their regular medical care safely by taking advantage of telemedicine services.”

BCBSWY is also waiving member cost share for treatment of the COVID-19 illness. “We have likely not seen the end of COVID-19 in Wyoming and there shouldn’t be any cost barriers for those who may need treatment for the disease.” Gore added.

Testing to diagnose COVID-19 for treatment purposes is already provided without member cost share under federal provisions.

Extended benefits apply to fully insured groups and individuals but is optional for self-funded groups.

Additional information and updates about COVID-19 in Wyoming are available by visiting

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wyoming is dedicated to protecting the health and safety of our members through the prevention, testing and treatment of COVID-19. Visit to learn more.


About Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wyoming
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wyoming (BCBSWY) is a not-for-profit health insurer and an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Rooted in Wyoming for 75 years, BCBSWY provides access to high quality health care coverage, services and programs to help our members make the best health care decisions and get the best care. With 10 locations across Wyoming, we provide hometown service to residents and businesses while serving people and charitable organizations in communities around the state. Learn more about us at



Wendy Curran

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