Update: New COVID Codes Added
BCBSWY has updated COVID codes. Please visit BCBSWY.com to see the new codes.
Seeking Volunteers: Join Our Appeals Pilot Program
If you are interested in joining our electronic appeals pilot program, please let us know. BCBSWY is seeking a diverse group of providers to give us feedback before fully launching the program in fall. Please reach out to Provider.Relations@BCBSWY.com to get involved today.
Closure: Cheyenne Day at Noon
In observance of Cheyenne Day, July 27, BCBSWY will be closing Cheyenne offices and our Member Centers at noon. They will resume normal business hours on Thursday, July 28.
Reminder: Data Validation Tool Instructions
BCBSWY updated our Directory Validation tool instructions on the Availity Portal. The instructions now include directions for Providers to find NPI and tax ID combinations to help facilitate compliance with the No Surprises Act (NSA) provider directory validation requirements.
The NSA requires you confirm this information with us every 90 days so your information can continue to be listed in our public directory. Please see the updated guide here.