Subrogation Form

Subrogation is the legal right that allows Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wyoming to pursue reimbursement for paid claims from a third party including but not limited to members own auto insurance that is financially liable for an accident or injury to Wyoming members. 

The following form helps us collect detailed information to determine if a party is financially responsible for the treatment provided to Wyoming members.

Thank you for using our online questionnaire.

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What's the best way to follow-up with you?
Date of accident or injury and a brief description of accident or injury.

Attorney Information:

Have you retained an attorney?

Other Insurance Information:

Was another party involved?

Member Insurance Information Other than BCBSWY

Example: auto insurance, home owners insurance, etc.

Questions regarding Subrogation?

Contact us at or call:
Monday – Friday 8 a.m to 5 p.m.

ACA – Online Event Registration Form

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Medicare - Event Registration
Medicare - Online Event Registration Form
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