Blue Cross Blue Shield announces donation to support the Wyoming Hunger Initiative

CHEYENNE, WYO – Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wyoming is teaming up with the Wyoming Hunger Initiative to make sure Wyoming families don’t go hungry during this unprecedented time. Started by First Lady Jennie Gordon, the goal of the Wyoming Hunger Initiative is to end childhood hunger in Wyoming. Today’s gift of $100,000 from BCBSWY will support local anti-hunger programs throughout the state.

“I am overwhelmed and humbled by the generosity of Blue Cross Blue Shield during these unprecedented times. This type of support for food insecure families is life changing. I am proud to partner with an organization that believes in a sustainable approach to solving food insecurity” said First Lady Jennie Gordon.

“This is an issue that is near and dear to our hearts, because it’s hard to stay healthy if you’re hungry. Now, with so many of our Wyoming neighbors struggling to make ends meet, this is one more way we can help,” said Diane Gore, president and CEO of BCBSWY.

Promoting the health and wellbeing of Wyoming citizens has been central to the purpose of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wyoming for the past 75 years. That’s why, during this public health crisis, BCBSWY knows that it’s incumbent upon the companies rooted in Wyoming, alongside the Wyoming people, to come together and help one another.

“What makes Wyoming a great place to live is our ability to come together – to share hope for our future, strength during this time, gratitude for those serving on the front lines and help provide for those in need. Our small state depends on all of us coming together to make sure everyone can get what they need, and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wyoming is committed to do all we can to assist in those efforts” Gore said.


About Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wyoming
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wyoming (BCBSWY), a not-for-profit health insurer and an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, provides access to high quality health care coverage, services and programs to help our members make the best health care decisions and get the best care. With 10 locations across Wyoming, we provide hometown service to residents and businesses while serving people and charitable organizations in communities around the state. Learn more about us at



Wendy Curran

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