Reasons Why a Claim Number Might Change

Claims may be reprocessed with a new claim number, including the following circumstances:

  • A claim was denied for not having a billing provider (a billing provider cannot be changed on adjustment).
  • For claims with multiple rendering providers, a partially rejected claim may be reprocessed to a corrected provider number for certain dates of service only.
  • If a provider submits claims utilizing frequency codes and submits a replacement claim that causes the original claim to be voided and a new claim number may be assigned.


  • BCBSWY encourages Primary Care Providers to check a patient’s eligibility or coverage as patient plans typically change on the first of January and July. Please check a patient’s eligibility in Availity and reference the plan date and Member ID to confirm current coverage.
  • New Wellness Tools! BCBSWY recently launched ANew360, a personalized wellness experience exclusively for BCBSWY Members and powered by WebMD.


BCBSWY Mailing Address:

PO Box 2266, Cheyenne, WY  82003-2266

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wyoming is an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association


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