Dear Wyoming Health Care Provider,
We want to thank you for partnering with us to provide needed health care for the children of lower income working Wyoming parents. By all accounts, our Wyoming Kid Care program has been successful in providing quality health care and improved health outcomes for many Wyoming children.
Effective October 1, 2020, the administration of the Wyoming Kid Care CHIP program will move from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wyoming (BCBSWY) to the Medicaid Division in the Wyoming Department of Health. We are working closely with Medicaid to make sure the transition for these children is seamless and does not result in any care gaps.
We have appreciated working with you for the past 17 years, and we regret that we can no longer administer this program. Ultimately, two issues lead to our decision: the complex, over-regulatory and high cost burdens that are now mandated by CMS for participation; and the Department of Health’s repeated recommendation to the Legislature that the program be absorbed into Wyoming Medicaid.
Your Kid Care Provider Agreement with BCBSWY will be terminated on October 1, 2020. Please note:
- This does not impact other existing Provider Agreements you may have with BCBSWY.
- Claims for Kid Care services provided before September 30, 2020 should continue to be
submitted to BCBSWY. - Claims for Kid Care services provided after September 30, 2020 should be submitted to Wyoming Medicaid per their instruction.
Thank you again for your effort in serving Wyoming’s children. We value our partnership and the care you provide for BCBSWY members. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or Wendy Curran ( ).
With thanks,
Diane G. Gore
President & CEO