Bright Futures Coding Guidance

BCBSWY covers the Bright Futures recommendations for pediatric screenings. We ask that providers follow the guidance below for coding for developmental or autism screenings, and behavioral assessments.

Code  Bright Futures Description  Reimbursement 

Developmental Screening and Autism Spectrum Disorder Screening

Paid until the age of two.

96127 Psychosocial/Behavioral Assessment Reimbursement for this code is included in the base rate for the wellness visit as this work is expected to be performed at every encounter.


Electronic Fund Transfers (EFT) Requests 


Beginning on February 8, 2021, you can enroll or make changes to an EFT account through Availity.


BCBSWY Mailing Address:
PO Box 2266, Cheyenne, WY 82003 2266

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wyoming is an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association



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