BCBSWY Authorization Attachments

To avoid issues with submitting prior authorizations through Availity view these troubleshooting tips and reminders for adding attachments to prior authorizations:

  • Turn off pop up blockers and Incognito settings
  • Clear cache and cookies. Completely log out of browser, and then log back in
  • Do not use the back browser button.
  • Only work one request at a time
  • Do not have multiple windows or tabs open
  • Subject line is required field. It has 40 character limit, spaces count toward that limit. Use only alpha and numeric characters. File attachment has 10MB size limit. Naming of the attachment has 40 character limit and should not contain any symbols and/or spaces. Use only alpha and numeric characters. Do not use periods to separate information in the file name as the system sees that as multiple file assignments.
  • Once file is attached, click submit. A thank you window should pop up. Close that tab/window; do not use the back browser button as this action will erase the attachment. The Availity tab will still be open which is fine.
  • If the file is larger than 10MB, the file will need to be separate d into smaller files. After the initial file is attached, proceed to the Auth/Referral dashboard, click on the 3 line menu to the far right of the authorization, click Update, and follow the same instructions above to attach more

Not Otherwise Specified (NOS) and Not Otherwise Classified (NOC)

All CPT and HCPCS codes that do not have a specific code description (i.e. Unlisted, Not Otherwise Specified (NOS), Not otherwise Classified (NOC), Unclassified, etc. codes) need a description. The required information related to these codes can be submitted in the following manner:

For electronic claim submission, the information is placed in SV101 7 of the 2400 service line loop.

For paper claim submission, the information is placed in Box 19 of the CMS 1500 claim form.

COVID 19 Treatment Cost Share Waiver Extension

BCBSWY is extending the cost share waiver for medical treatment related to the diagnosis of COVID 19 to all fully insured groups and individuals until March 31, 2021, including in patient hospital care.

Holiday Hours

BCBSWY will be closed Thursday, December 24 and Friday, December 25 in observation of the Christmas holiday.

BCBSWY will close at 3:00 on Thursday, December 31 and be closed the entire day of Friday, January 1 , 2021 in observation of the New Year.


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