BCBSWY Matches WyoGives Donations For Wyoming Together

CHEYENNE, WYO –Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wyoming (BCBSWY) is excited to announce an incredible $100,000 donation match across the state to encourage Wyoming residents to pay it forward and strengthen our communities through WyoGives.

The WyoGives donation match expands the BCBSWY Wyoming Together movement through $75,000 of statewide matching funds and a dedicated $25,000 match of our own employee gifts. BCBSWY is excited to give residents the ability to amplify their dollars to local non-profits and further lift our neighbors around the state.

BCBSWY has substantially increased its grants and sponsorships to support meaningful impact throughout Wyoming communities in the form of partnerships, youth well-being, food and housing insecurity, and scholarships designed to increase Wyoming’s health care provider workforce.

This expansion in grants is a result of matching gifts awarded to BCBSWY from several successful applications to the Federal Home Loan Bank Des Moines (FHLB) Member Impact Fund. BCBSWY is a member of the FHLB, a financial institution to which many banks and insurance companies belong.

The Member Impact Fund is part of FHLB Des Moines’ ongoing mission to offer a variety of funding through its members to support community development needs throughout its district. Of its four states and three geographic territories targeted for this funding, Wyoming received the most grant awards. Through the collective action of 26 Wyoming-based member institutions of FHLB Des Moines, 264 grants totaling more than $4.6 million dollars were awarded to non-profit organizations across the state.

“As the only health insurance company headquartered in Wyoming, we take our corporate responsibility and community stewardship seriously. We were excited to collaborate with our community bank partners to leverage this opportunity for our state, working together to generate tremendous support for local non-profit organizations,” said Diane Gore, President and CEO of BCBSWY. “Through the Wyoming Together movement, BCBSWY invests in projects that make a meaningful difference in improving the health and well-being of individuals and communities. We are grateful to FHLB Des Moines for the additional investment to help us build resilient and healthy communities across Wyoming.”

In addition to the WyoGives match, BCBSWY recently unveiled the first in a series of initiatives—youth well-being and resiliency. For more information visit the BCBSWY Newsroom.

Explore WyoGives Here

About Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wyoming:

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wyoming (BCBSWY), a not-for-profit health insurer and an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, provides access to high quality health care coverage, services and programs to help our members make the best health care decisions and get the best care.  With 10 locations across Wyoming, we provide hometown service to residents and businesses while serving people and charitable organizations in communities around the state. Learn more about us at BCBSWY.com.

About Blue Cross Blue Shield Caring Foundation of Wyoming:

As a caring community, BCBSWY has been involved in promoting the good health and well-being of Wyoming residents by participating in and contributing to many health-related charities and causes. In 1990, BCBSWY established the Caring Foundation of Wyoming to help sustain this mission. The Caring Foundation of Wyoming focuses its support through charitable giving. For more information, visit https://www.bcbswy.com/company_info/community/.


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