Kids on the rides of their lives

Kids on the rides of their lives

There used to be a one-word description for childhood health and wellness programs: “play”.

But somewhere between online games, expanded TV channels and over-scheduled after-school commitments, kids became less fit. The CDC statistics surrounding childhood health couldn’t be clearer on the need to promote physical activity in children:

In the past 30 years, childhood obesity has doubled.

  • 70% of obese youth had at least one risk factor leading to cardiovascular disease
  • Obese children are more likely to have prediabetes—blood glucose levels are so high that they are soon on their way to having diabetes
  • Obese children are at greater risk for bone and joint problems, sleep apnea, and social and psychological problems such as stigmatization and poor self-esteem.

Cardiovascular, diabetes and other obesity-related diseases and conditions are not only detrimental to children’s health, but they also require long-term care management that can compromise a child’s quality of life. An entire generation of kids is growing up less active, less fit and less healthy.  Their basic instinct to burn off energy and have fun outdoors with friends is being suppressed by sedentary childhoods spent staring at the screen on a digital device.

The words “sedentary” and “childhood” should never be uttered in the same sentence. Kids are kids and all that they should need to know about improving health and wellness is to go outside to play. So that’s exactly what we want to help them do.

The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association (BCBSA) is  giving away one 12” child bike and helmet each to three lucky, random winners in our “Like It To Bike It Sweepstakes.”

Entering the “Like It To Bike It Sweepstakes” is easy:

1.    Go to the BCBSA Facebook app Like It for Your Chance to Bike It sweepstakes  

2.    “Like” the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association’s Facebook page and enter your name and email address (no purchase necessary)

3.    Agree to the rules

And don’t forget to do your part to promote health and fitness to kids by sharing the sweepstakes posts and links with others in your social network. Don’t use Facebook? No problem, you can enter here . Official rules can be found at:

When you give a child a bike you empower that child to develop a life-long love of fitness. At BCBSA we want to help you and your family to develop healthy habits that lead to greater wellness. And there’s no better time to get started than in childhood.

This is a syndicated post. Read original post.


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