Heart Health

Heart health may not be at the forefront of your health journey. But by keeping your heart healthy, you can reduce the risk of developing serious conditions like heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure.

Often, heart health and our metabolic health go hand in hand. You’ve heard it before - eat better for a healthier heart and healthier weight. And we’ve got the tools to help you do it.

Virta Health

Virta Health offers personalized treatment programs designed for sustainable weight loss. More →

Cardiovascular Disease Screening

Lipid Screenings are offered as a preventive care benefit. The results can tell you and your healthcare provider important information about your heart health. Talk to your doctor about your results or learn more about scheduling a lipid screening at your annual wellness exam. LP(a) is a particle that carries cholesterol molecules in the blood. High levels may be associated with increased risk of heart disease and stroke. Note: Blue Cross Blue Shield Wyoming does not cover these screenings as a preventive service. For coverage questions, contact BCBSWY Member Services at 800-442-2376. Interested in a convenient, at-home free screening? The Family Heart Foundation is a free resource that provides at-home tests offered at NO COST to you.

Family Heart Foundation

The Family Heart Foundation is a nonprofit organization and is not affiliated with BCBSWY. The foundation aims to transform the identification and treatment of heart disease through education, patient support, and advocacy. Learn more →

How Do I Order a Test Kit?
Order your screening kit from the Family Heart Foundation at https://familyheart.org/ldl-and-lpa-screening

How Does the Screening Kit Work?

  • Request Your Kit: After signing up through the Family Heart Foundation, the test will ship directly to you from Endless Health within 5-7 business days.
  • Receive and Use Your Kit: Follow the simple instructions included with your kit for a hassle-free testing experience at home.
  • Return Your Test: Follow instructions provided in your kit for returning tests.
  • Access Your Results: Your detailed results will be available on the results portal, providing you with clear insights and actionable advice. You can share this information with your primary care provider or specialist at your next appointment. Our Population Health team can also help you navigate the next steps based on your results.

For laboratory services coverage check your benefit booklet or inquire with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wyoming Member Services at 800-442-2376.

Need More help with cholesterol screenings?

Our Population Health care team is here to support you on your journey, whether your goals is to lose a few pounds or make a significant change.


Call: 1-866-204-7132


Email: PopulationHealth@bcbswy.com

Additional Resources

Virta logoPersonalized treatment program designed for sustainable weight loss, prediabetes, and type II diabetes, focusing on lasting lifestyle changes with an emphasis on a low-carb diet. More →


Virta logoPersonalized digital tools and resources for tracking nutrition, physical activity and overall well-being from the comfort of your home. More →


Heart beat icon
The American Heart Association’s Cholesterol Tools & Resources offers more information on managing your cholesterol and helpful tips. More →

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