Classic Plans – 2025

The traditional coverage you expect with comprehensive options.

Ready for Blue?

Find the plan that’s right for you. Get a quote and enroll online.


  • Two primary care office visits with a $45 copay
  • $5 copay for generic drugs
  • Higher monthly premium with a lower annual deductible
  • Available in Silver

Good option if...

You get frequent health care services or prescriptions and want your plan to begin paying sooner.


Silver Plan*
HSA Eligible

Learn More

Participant deductible $2,750
Family deductible $5,500
Participant out-of-pocket $9,100
Family out-of-pocket $18,200


Participant Pays




Preventive Care Paid at 100% of maximum allowable amount at appropriate intervals when services are rendered by a network provider.
Primary Care



Prescription Drugs
Tier 1: Generic Drugs $5 copay
 Tier 2: Preferred Brand drugs $50 copay
Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) View SBC

*This plan is available with or without kid’s dental coverage through both BCBSWY and the Health Insurance Marketplace.

At-a-Glance is intended to be a condensed overview of some plan benefits and does not cover all benefits or information contained in the Benefit Booklet.  Limitations and exclusions do exist.  At-a-Glance is not a contract.  For exact benefits and limitations, please request a copy of the Benefit Booklet.

Cost Assistance

Based on certain income requirements, you may qualify for assistance, through government subsidies, with your monthly premiums. 

Football soccer match for children.

Rx Tools

Find important information on your prescriptions, including how to select a pharmacy, request prescription benefits, and more.

Busy cute woman mom with two children works on a laptop in the kitchen and talks on the phone, mom turns on the kids cartoon. Family concept and freelance work, authentic lifestyle and toning

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